Data provided by NORSAR

Date: 2023-09-19 06:37:53

NORSAR's Event Warning System (NEWS)

Event     230427 Sea of Japan
   Date       Time        Err   RMS Latitude Longitude  Smaj  Smin  Az Depth   Err Ndef Nsta Gap  mdist  Mdist Qual   Author      OrigID
2023/09/19 06:23:31.18  20.49  0.13  36.6584  131.6127 538.0 197.0 148   8.9f         6    3 346  59.27  71.35        NEWS        230427
 (Depth fixed at 1/2 of CRUST 1.0 Moho depth)
 (Confidence level of given uncertainties:  95.00 %)
 (Station corrections were available for    3 station(s) as defined in /bull/auto/dpep/ALERT/data/stations.cor)
 (Reference model   : ak135_A)

Magnitude  Err Nsta Author      OrigID
   mb  4.3 0.4    5       V-C   230427

Sta     Dist  EvAz Phase        Time      TRes  Azim AzRes   Slow   SRes Def   SNR       Amp   Per Qual Magnitude    ArrID
SPITS  59.27 347.5 P        06:33:32.725   0.2 204.5 146.7   4.13   -2.8 T__   9.9       2.0  0.49 ___    mb  4.3    33504
ARCES  61.44 337.4 P        06:33:47.350  -0.2  49.4 -12.2   6.62   -0.1 TAS  29.2       7.5  0.68 __e    mb  4.7    33489
ARCES  61.44 337.4 (pP)     06:33:50.350  -0.0  70.8   9.2   6.08   -0.7 ___  13.1       2.9  0.51 __e    mb  4.4    33490
ARCES  61.44 337.4 (sP)     06:33:56.650   5.2  58.8  -2.8   6.31   -0.4 ___   6.9       0.3  0.30 __e    mb  3.7    33491
NORES  71.35 333.3 P        06:34:51.025  -0.0  60.0  12.7  10.69    4.6 TA_  26.2       1.6  0.44 __e    mb  4.3    33514

Tue 19 Sep 2023, 06:37:51 (UTC)