SummaryMapsTestimonies Medias Scientific data
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (2 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 108 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (3 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 11 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (4 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 8 min
Witness location : Gnojnica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (4 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 83 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (5 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 56 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (5 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 30 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (5 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 13 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (5 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 506 min
Witness location : Mramor (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (5 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 12 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (5 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 280 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (5 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 12 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (5 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (5 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 475 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (5 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 21 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (5 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (5 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 81 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (6 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 11 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (6 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 40 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (6 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 24 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (6 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 10 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (6 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (6 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 24 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (6 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 16 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (6 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 7 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (7 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Srebrenik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (7 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 13 min
Witness location : Gnojnica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (9 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Gnojnica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (10 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 14 min
Witness location : Sladna (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (10 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 267 min
Witness location : Gnojnica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (10 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Gnojnica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (12 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 24 min
Witness location : Gnojnica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (12 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Gnojnica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (13 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 38 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (13 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 8 min
Witness location : Orahovica Donja (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (13 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 10 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (14 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 20 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (14 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1129 min
Witness location : Puračić (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 18 min
Witness location : Brka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Brka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 16 min
Witness location : Petrovo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Petrovo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 11 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 10 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 10 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 24 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 12 min
Witness location : Puračić (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 33 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 97 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 97 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1023 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (15 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (16 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 7 min
Witness location : Solina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (16 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (16 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 7 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Brka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 28 min
Witness location : Petrovo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 28 min
Witness location : Donja Međiđa (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 8 min
Witness location : Kiseljak (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 44 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 476 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 10 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Solina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 7 min
Witness location : Gornji Rahić (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 17 min
Witness location : Lukavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 25 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (17 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 18 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (18 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (18 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (18 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Barice (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (18 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 7 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (18 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Orahovica Donja (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (18 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Gračanica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (18 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Brka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (18 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 12 min
Witness location : Kiseljak (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 31 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 7 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 7 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 14 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 13 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 8 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 11 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 16 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 608 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 334 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 133 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 398 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1 min
Witness location : Gracanica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 10 min
Witness location : Čelić (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 13 min
Witness location : Gracanica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1 min
Witness location : Gracanica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Gracanica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Gracanica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 15 min
Witness location : Gracanica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Gracanica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 21 min
Witness location : Gracanica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 16 min
Witness location : Gracanica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 8 min
Witness location : Gračanica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Gračanica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 12 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 25 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 54 min
Witness location : Gračanica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 24 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 466 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1161 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (19 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 22 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (20 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 27 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (20 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1 min
Witness location : Malešići (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (20 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (20 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Mionica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (20 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1053 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (20 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1 min
Witness location : Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (20 km SE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 13 min
Witness location : Šerići (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (21 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 156 min
Witness location : Živinice (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (22 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1 min
Witness location : Brka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (22 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (23 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 24 min
Witness location : Celic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (23 km E from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 11 min
Witness location : Brcko (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (23 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 11 min
Witness location : Stjepan-Polje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (23 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Šerići (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (24 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Stjepan-Polje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (24 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Gradačac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (24 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Gradačac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (24 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Gradacac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (25 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Gradacac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (25 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 7 min
Witness location : Gradacac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (25 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 214 min
Witness location : Gradacac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (25 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Gradacac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (25 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1940 min
Witness location : Gradacac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (25 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 35 min
Witness location : Gradačac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (25 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 23 min
Witness location : Zivinice (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (26 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Gradačac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (26 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 8 min
Witness location : Klokotnica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (26 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Klokotnica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (27 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Donji Žabar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (27 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 8 min
Witness location : Klokotnica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (27 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Banovići (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (30 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Brčko (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (30 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 10 min
Witness location : Banovići (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (30 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 62 min
Witness location : Brčko (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (30 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Brcko (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (31 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 7 min
Witness location : Brcko (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (31 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Brčko (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (31 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 60 min
Witness location : Brčko (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (31 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Brčko (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (31 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Brčko (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (31 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 12 min
Witness location : Brčko (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (32 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Lukavica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (34 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Banovici (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (34 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 338 min
Witness location : Doboj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (36 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 26 min
Witness location : Doboj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (37 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Doboj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (37 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 34 min
Witness location : Doboj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (37 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 468 min
Witness location : Maglaj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (37 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Doboj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (37 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 785 min
Witness location : Ugljevik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (37 km E from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 14 min
Witness location : Doboj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (37 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 42 min
Witness location : Maglaj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (37 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Maglaj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (38 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 169 min
Witness location : Maglaj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (38 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Maglaj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (38 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Gostovići (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (40 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 8 min
Witness location : Zavidovici (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (40 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Lukavica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (41 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 92 min
Witness location : Zavidovići (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (41 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 12 min
Witness location : Odžak (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (41 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Odžak (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (42 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 17 min
Witness location : Odžak (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (42 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Orasje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (42 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 47 min
Witness location : Lukavica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (42 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Gostovići (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (44 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 7 min
Witness location : Tesanj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (44 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Tesanj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (44 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 12 min
Witness location : Tešanj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (45 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Odžak (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (45 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1011 min
Witness location : Županja (Croatia) (45 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 47 min
Witness location : Omanjska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (46 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Žepče (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (47 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 24 min
Witness location : Žepče (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (52 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Bijeljina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (54 km E from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 29 min
Witness location : Bijeljina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (54 km E from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 14 min
Witness location : Teslić (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (54 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 13 min
Witness location : Teslić (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (54 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Teslic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (55 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 24 min
Witness location : Teslić (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (56 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Doboj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (57 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Kakanj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (59 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Derventa (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (61 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 25 min
Witness location : Derventa (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (62 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Zadubravlje (Croatia) (62 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 14 min
Witness location : Željezno Polje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (64 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1 min
Witness location : Piškorevci (Croatia) (65 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 15 min
Witness location : (Croatia) (66 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 40 min
Witness location : Slavonski Brod (Croatia) (67 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 18 min
Witness location : Slavonski Brod (Croatia) (68 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1 min
Witness location : Bosanski Brod (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (68 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 376 min
Witness location : Slavonski Brod (Croatia) (68 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 22 min
Witness location : Brod (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (68 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Slavonski Brod (Croatia) (68 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 64 min
Witness location : Slavonski Brod (Croatia) (68 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Slavonski Brod (Croatia) (68 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1 min
Witness location : Slavonski Brod (Croatia) (68 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 83 min
Witness location : Slavonski Brod (Croatia) (69 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 961 min
Witness location : Slavonski Brod (Croatia) (69 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Slavonski Brod (Croatia) (69 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 135 min
Witness location : Bukovlje (Croatia) (69 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Duboki Potok (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (69 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 29 min
Witness location : Kakanj (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (69 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Vinkovci (Croatia) (69 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Brodski Varoš (Croatia) (70 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : (Croatia) (71 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Vinkovci (Croatia) (71 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 17 min
Witness location : Đakovo (Croatia) (72 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 11 min
Witness location : Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (72 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1 min
Witness location : Vinkovci (Croatia) (72 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Vinkovci (Croatia) (72 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 22 min
Witness location : Vinkovci (Croatia) (72 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Vinkovci (Croatia) (72 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Vinkovci (Croatia) (72 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Vinkovci (Croatia) (72 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 10 min
Witness location : Vinkovci (Croatia) (72 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (72 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (72 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (72 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 28 min
Witness location : Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (72 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 37 min
Witness location : Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (73 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Vinkovci (Croatia) (73 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Vinkovci (Croatia) (73 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (73 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Đakovo (Croatia) (73 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 12 min
Witness location : Đakovo (Croatia) (73 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 20 min
Witness location : Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (74 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 29 min
Witness location : Sibinj (Croatia) (76 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Levanjska Varoš (Croatia) (77 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Preočica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (78 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Markušica (Croatia) (80 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Visoko (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (80 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (82 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (82 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (82 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Travnik (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (85 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 17 min
Witness location : Borovo (Croatia) (85 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Borovo (Croatia) (86 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 16 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (86 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Turbe (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (86 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 32 min
Witness location : Vogošća (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (87 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Turbe (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Kobilja Glava (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Kobilja Glava (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Kobilja Glava (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 24 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 12 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 354 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 46 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 11 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 14 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (90 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Kobilja Glava (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (91 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Mačvanska Mitrovica (Serbia) (91 km E from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Kobilja Glava (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (91 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Kobilja Glava (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (91 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 28 min
Witness location : Kobilja Glava (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (91 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (92 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (92 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 11 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (93 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (93 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Srbac (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (93 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Ilidža (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (94 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 20451 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (94 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 14 min
Witness location : Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (95 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 8 min
Witness location : Lukavica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (95 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Lukavica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (95 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Našice (Croatia) (98 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Našice (Croatia) (98 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 10 min
Witness location : Vidovci (Croatia) (99 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Osijek (Croatia) (99 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Vidovci (Croatia) (99 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : (Croatia) (99 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 11 min
Witness location : Tvrđavica (Croatia) (99 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 24 min
Witness location : Osijek (Croatia) (100 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Tvrđavica (Croatia) (100 km N from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Požega (Croatia) (100 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Pozega (Croatia) (100 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : (Croatia) (100 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 12 min
Witness location : Požega (Croatia) (100 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Požega (Croatia) (100 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 36 min
Witness location : Požega (Croatia) (101 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Požega (Croatia) (101 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Pozega (Croatia) (101 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 70 min
Witness location : Požega (Croatia) (101 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 11 min
Witness location : Brestovac (Croatia) (103 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (106 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Trn (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (106 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (107 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 1 min
Witness location : Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (108 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 7 min
Witness location : Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (108 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6 min
Witness location : Adžamovci (Croatia) (108 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min
Witness location : Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (108 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Jajce (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (108 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 7 min
Witness location : Jajce (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (108 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 7 min
Witness location : Orahovica (Croatia) (109 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 13 min
Witness location : Nova Gradiška (Croatia) (112 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Novi Sad (Serbia) (121 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 34 min
Witness location : Novi Sad (Serbia) (122 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 28 min
Witness location : Novi Sad (Serbia) (122 km NE from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Turija (Village) (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (125 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 7 min
Witness location : Doljani (Croatia) (143 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Kozarska Dubica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (148 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 16 min
Witness location : Prijedor (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (149 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : Sisak (Croatia) (192 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 18 min
Witness location : Ploče (Croatia) (200 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 570 min
Witness location : Split (Croatia) (210 km SW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 2 min
Witness location : Selnica Šćitarjevska (Croatia) (224 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 230 min
Witness location : Dubrovnik (Croatia) (228 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 41 min
Witness location : Dubrovnik (Croatia) (228 km S from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 9 min
Witness location : Donja Lomnica (Croatia) (230 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 976 min
Witness location : Dubrava (Croatia) (233 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 27 min
Witness location : Novi Zagreb (Croatia) (234 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 8 min
Witness location : Novi Zagreb (Croatia) (235 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Zagreb (Croatia) (237 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 6009 min
Witness location : Novi Zagreb (Croatia) (238 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 4 min
Witness location : (Croatia) (238 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 997 min
Witness location : Centar (Croatia) (238 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 251 min
Witness location : Zagreb (Croatia) (241 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 103 min
Witness location : Zagreb (Croatia) (241 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 980 min
Witness location : (Croatia) (250 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 11 min
Witness location : Dobova (Slovenia) (264 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 3 min
Witness location : Prizna (Croatia) (283 km W from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 435 min
Witness location : Moravče (Slovenia) (339 km NW from epicenter)
Time : T0+ 5 min